4 Ways to Stay Focused in a Noisy Open Office

While countless studies have shown that open-office environments can stimulate your creative juices and promote brainstorming and collaboration with colleagues, they can also be a shy person’s nightmare – not to mention the arch enemy of anybody with a tight deadline or someone trying to write complicated code. Cramped desk spaces combined with constant chatter … Continue reading “4 Ways to Stay Focused in a Noisy Open Office”

The Future of Construction: The Technology Driving Faster, Smarter Builds

From bricklaying robots to virtually-rendered 3D models, here are the most innovative modern technologies driving faster, safer, smarter builds in construction.

Why Open-Source Thinking is Key to Innovation in the Construction Industry

From easy-to-build affordable housing units to stronger communication among workers, open-source thinking has many benefits for the construction industry.

Human-Centric: What Professionals Look for in a Coworking Space

While their occupants have many of the same needs as traditional employees, a coworking space will have some key differences that designers need to know and address.

Flexible Workspace Design: Moving Beyond Open Office Environments

If you think an open office design can create efficiency and privacy challenges, here’s what you should know about flexible work environments — designed with productivity in mind.